
A customer wants to onboard an instance of Oracle EBS to IGAnow while there is no smart Oracle EBS connector available. 


The following steps are required to prepare the instance of Oracle EBS before setting up the connector with a IGAnow consultant:

Follow the steps below:
  1. Download the attached file "FND_USER_Wrapper.sql" FND_USER_Wrapper.sql
  2. Execute the SQL script "FND_USER_Wrapper.sql" within the APPS schema of your Oracle EBS database
  3. Download the attached file "CreateSyncUser.sql" CreateSyncUser.sql
  4. Edit the file "CreateSyncUser.sql" and replace the string &&username with the chosen name of the service user
  5. Edit the file "CreateSyncUser.sql" and replace the string &&password with the chose password of the service user
  6. Execute the modified SQL script "CreateSyncUser.sql" within the APPS schema of your Oracle EBS database

Before setting up the connector with a IGAnow consultant, prepare the following information:

  • the full qualified domain name or IP adress of the Oracle database server hosting the Oracle EBS instance database
  • the port and service name of the Oracle instance
  • the user name and password chosen while modifying the file "CreateSyncUser.sql"
  • the TNS alias name from  tnsnames.ora of the Oracle EBS instance database (only required if access is only possible through Oracle Client software)

The IGAnow consultant will now be able to connect your Oracle EBS instance to IGAnow.